With populations growing, commuter numbers are increasing all the time. We´re experts in keeping these increasing numbers of commuters moving freely. Free flow is an efficient tolling system that contributes to reduce congestion and positively impact the environment by eliminating physical barriers and toll plazas on highways. Our Free Flow model has a target of 100% tolling compliance, incorporating state-of-the-art technology, fostering customer satisfaction, facilitating multiple payment channels, and placing our skilled teams at the heart of everything we do.
Our Roadside System, integrating different state-of-the-art equipment with our Road Controller to ensure 100% of the vehicle detection and avoid tolling leakage.
Our Operational Back-Office, powered by cutting-edge technology improving the quality of the data obtained in the gantry through different robots and algorithms.
Our Manual Image Review, highly scalable, web-based and able to monitor system health and performance metrics in real-time.
Our Commercial Back-Office, able to convert without losses all tolling transactions coming from roadside equipment into billable events.